Requirements to be met by the applicant:

1. Maximum 21-year-old proven by birth certificates.

2. Meet the criteria of physical health as follows:

a. Physical common (for all skill competencies / majors):

· Physically and mentally healthy as evidenced by a health certificate from the Government Doctors,

• Not own a physical disability that may interfere with the practice activities,

• No color blindness,

• Not have a tattoo on the body,

· Especially for men there is no ear piercings and other body parts.

b. Especially for the competence of physical skill / departments Accommodation Hospitality:

· Have height:

Son: at least 160 cm

Daughter: at least 155 cm

· Have a proportional body weight / ideal.

3. Having a certificate that the student was sitting in class IX (nine) or the equivalent of junior high school principal.

4. Having a good description of behavior, not involved juvenile delinquency and drug abuse from the school of origin, for the 2009/2010 year graduate student applicants a certificate from the police.

5. Have a junior or equivalent grades VII to IX semester classes with a mean value - average of at least 7.0 with a mean value - average every Indonesian Language, English, Mathematics and Science minimum of 7.0.

6. Has a certificate in English and Computers (if any)

7. A proven record of academic or non academic championship at least at district / city as evidenced by a certificate, a plaque, certificate (if any).

8. Make a statement the parents / guardians are willing to follow the selection and follow PPDB RSBI Program



Selection is followed by a registrant who has met the administrative requirements. The scope of selection includes academic selection and other selection and use the results of National Examination as one of the points assessment. The selection mechanism is as follows:

1. Tests of academic skills (achievement test) is written for the subjects:

1) Mathematics,

2) English (includes: Structure, Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing.

3) IPA,

4) IPS, and

5) Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

2. Psychological tests (Psycho Test).

3. Interviews with prospective students and parents / guardians prospective students

4. Specialized vocational school, in addition to the above tests, special tests can be performed according to the vocational skills program in question. Selection of prospective students / learners a vocational school classes were conducted to obtain kesuaian abilities and interests of students / learners with areas of expertise / skills programs are chosen using the criteria ditetapkakn by the school with school assemblies and partner institutions / professional associations. Sorting through the special interest and aptitude tests in accordance with expertise in their programs - each.

5. National Exam Results Value SMP / MTs



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