
Adiwiyata program is one of the programs the State Ministry of Environment in order to encourage the creation of knowledge and awareness sokolah citizens in environmental protection. In this program every citizen sokolah expected to get involved in school activities towards a healthy environment and monghindari negative environmental impacts.
In its implementation the Ministry of Environment in collaboration ilo stakeholders, rolling the program in hopes dapal Adiwiyata mon school citizen carrying out the process of teaching and learning materials and participate preserving the environment and maintain the environment in schools and sokitarnya
Adiwiyata word comes from two Sanskrit words "ADI" and "Wiyata". ADI has the meaning: big, great, good, ideal or perfect. Wiyata has meaning in which someone gains knowledge, norms and ethics in social borkohidufian. When two words are combined, the overall sense or meaning Adiwiyata mompunyai: A good place and an ideal which can dipemlch nognlii science and the various norms and ethics that can be dasm towards the creation of human welfare and into our lives to the ideals of sustainable development.
Program Objectives Adiwiyata is to create good conditions for schools to become places of learning and school community awareness, so that future residents tuui school may also be responsible in the rescue efforts of environmental and sustainable development. The main activity is to realize the program Adiwiyata snkolah yflfig institutional care and the cultural environment for primary and secondary schools in Indonesia

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