Galaxy are held in the Provincial Education Office located in the path of DR Rajiman Bandung on 25 to 28 October 2010 is the arena of high school students, Indramayu is one of the contingent who followed the galaxy, and SMKN a Indramayu sending students / I was to follow the entrepreneurial contest and digital magazines.
With great enthusiasm and confidence Hadijah Melani Novitasari class XII Accounting 3 describes entrepreneurship held at the school that is making dodol mango, and digital magazine for the race followed by a class XI Wawan siswanto Multimedia 1, as seen photographed, interview explaining the content of the material that he make. One thing to note for the exhibition stand, a stand that palih indramayu is interesting (Word orang2 provincial education office) and stand in a crowded kunjungi.Selain we also won the first champion as a Java BEST STAND Barat.Penyerahan trophy will be held today hero at a ceremony today at the Regency square Indramayu.